Vigneron for a day.

Join a volunteer harvest day and experience, first-hand, how wine is made, by participating in our hand harvest.
If you’re not afraid of a little hard work, outside in the sunshine amongst the vines, our volunteer harvest days are a great way to learn about wine making, make new friends and maybe practice your French. There’s plenty of eating, drinking and socialising back at the château, once the grapes are in the tanks at the winery, and the wine tastes even better knowing the bunches you picked will be in the next vintage.

Message us, using the form below, to register your interest in being part of the 2024 harvest…

2023 Harvest ”Tour” Tee-shirt

Reflecting our passion for music and wine,
the 2023 Harvest Tee-shirt features a reverse print with the harvest dates of each of the parcels of grapes and their variety.
Available in our shop.